Stacey Y. Flynn

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An Unexpected Invitation

Some stories, I just don’t know where to even begin. 

I seem to have that problem more often than not lately.  Because I’m finding that in the majority of my most meaningful experiences, so much tends to happen before even I can see the whole, real story.  It kind of feels like a theme of my year so far.

It’s especially true in this story I get to tell now.  True, in fact, in the most literal sense - because I really do not know for sure how – or why - it really began…

Since the best place to start is usually at the beginning, I’ll go back to the only thing I can imagine as the possible beginning:

When I think back to this past January, it feels so long ago.  So much has happened and changed… continues to happen and change… It feels so long ago, but I do suspect that a seemingly small decision I made back then has helped lead me to what has happened now. 

…I had taken a road trip with my kids to meet up with my brother and his family in Nashville.  My son and my niece share the very special bond of having been born just five days apart, and they turned twenty-one this year.  Despite their sweet connection, their life-long geographical separation (now almost a thousand miles) has prevented us from celebrating any but their first birthdays together.  So, when they hatched a plan to celebrate their twenty-first together in Nashville, everyone got on board. 

I’d only ever been to Nashville as a very little girl.  My dad worked for a company based there, and one year our family got to travel with him to a convention at the Opryland Hotel.  I still have a vague memory of how magical it seemed, but of course much has changed since then.  Nashville has become “the” place to be these days.  I could only imagine what to expect, and I looked forward to it for reasons besides just the birthday celebration.

Despite never having visited “today’s” Nashville, I’d certainly grown to feel a connection to it.  Because it’s home to an increasingly important part of my life:  My church.  In one of the very first blog posts I ever published, I explained a little about having found Cross Point Church, and what it had come to mean to me.  Nearly two-and-a-half years after I originally shared that piece, it’s only come to mean more.    

So, when a Nashville trip landed on my calendar, an ulterior (or at least an adjacent) motive began to form in my mind… I wouldn’t have missed being along for the ride for all the twenty-first birthday partying plans for anything in the world.  And also?  When it comes to my own partying days?  That ship has sailed!  I’ll wave fondly from shore, but in no world do I have any desire to climb back aboard!  I felt honored to be included by our sweet twenty-one-year-olds, and I’d go anywhere and do anything they wanted – until about 10:00 PM!  Beyond that?  I am fully capable of giving hugs and wishing fun, safe times - and then heading for my comfy pj’s and my hotel room!  I have my limits, and I know them – and my people seem to respect them. 

So even when I requested something that probably made them certain I’d officially reached a whole new level of lame, they supported it.  The only thing I really wanted to do on our trip was go to my church on Sunday!  Yes, I would’ve also loved to have seen a show at the Ryman - but there were a lot of people to coordinate – and I know and respect their limits, too… But my church?  I rarely miss attending online, so how could I visit Nashville and not go in person? 

When I describe myself as just “along for the ride” on that trip, I mean it.  I arrived in Nashville as a backseat passenger with my kids.  So, I offered to Uber from our downtown hotel across the Cumberland River to Cross Point on Sunday.  Not that I’d ever Uber’d before, but I’d installed the app and just didn’t mention that I had no clue how to use it.  Were they too sweet to entrust their mom to a strange Uber driver in a strange city?  Or did they suspect my ineptitude?  That could go either way, really.  Regardless, they decided that, no, I would not Uber to church alone.  So, my daughter patiently endured the rigmarole involved with retrieving her vehicle from hotel parking, navigating construction and city traffic, and dropping me off in front of my church – along with a promise to return for me an hour later. 

Naturally, I’d tossed out the casual reminder that anyone interested in joining me should feel beyond welcome to do so.  Incidentally, the zero people who opted to was exactly the number I’d expected would.  But I’m the mom.  I had to try.  …While also remembering full-well that my twenty-something self probably wouldn’t have chosen church as a way to spend part of two-and-a-half days in Music City, either. 

In the back of my mind, I could only hope that maybe someday there will be a reason my kids will fondly remember their mom going to church in Nashville.  But beyond that - it couldn’t be about them anymore.  I was just thankful to have this opportunity for me. 

Walking into that place after watching online for all these years felt exactly like I imagined it would.  It’s hard to explain, but it just felt like… where I belonged

I recognized some faces I’ve come to know online, but also felt welcome and like a natural part of something really good even among the ones I’d never seen before.  I settled into my seat and waited, discreetly snapping a photo of the still-empty stage to text my mom – who I knew would be at home watching online as usual. 

The worship team took the stage to open the service, and what I’ve come to love from afar unfolded right in front of, right around, and included me.  And remember:  It’s Nashville.  Everybody sings and everybody plays.  And wow… can they ever!  They led in the words of “Who You Say I Am”, which in that moment felt meant just for me.  As everyone around me sang along, I found myself mostly just fighting back tears.  Of gratitude.  Not only for this chance to be there, but especially for the real difference this church has made in my life. 

For the next hour, I sat completely immersed in the message titled “What are The Blind Spots in my Life?” – the last installment of a four-week series called “Take Courage.” I couldn’t possibly have known how much I’d come to need everything about that message for all that awaited me in the still basically brand-new year…

The time seemed to fly by, and I walked out with a heart simultaneously so filled up by the experience, yet so sad that it was over.  Who knew when, or if, I’d ever get the chance to do that again.  If only I could be involved in such a real way more often…

Looking back on it all now, with more than half the year already gone, I can hardly believe how much has happened since then.  Some really wonderful things.  More than enough really hard things.  Certainly some blind spots exposed.  

And almost all of it - totally unexpected.

Right down to the very reason I’m telling you this story now.  I’m not sure that this is exactly where it began, and it really doesn’t matter.  I don’t need to know – because I trust completely that God does know…

One morning shortly after we returned from Nashville, I typed a quick message to Cross Point’s general e-mail address.  I explained my recent experience and let them know what a wonderful job I think they’re doing; and what a difference it makes to people like me.  I explained that I’m in Pennsylvania but wish I could be there every week.  I didn’t expect to receive a personal reply.  But I did.  From the pastor who leads the “online campus”:  One of Cross Point’s eight campuses, it uniquely reaches beyond middle Tennessee to the whole world - including me.  It struck me anew how wonderful… A place so big still cares about being so personal.  The reply ended with a question about how the team might pray for me.  I found that touching, yet I admit that I don’t think I replied.  Just then, no immediate “need” came to my mind. 

At least not that day…  But it wouldn’t be long at all before plenty of “need” would become much more apparent in my life…

On one particularly difficult day several weeks later, feeling somewhat isolated while handling some of those really hard things, I remembered that e-mail.  I sat down and replied, briefly telling the story of the challenge happening in my life.  I welcomed prayer and guidance.  Looking back on that time feels hazy...  If I received a reply to that message, I honestly don’t remember it. 

Roughly four-months later, though, with a head-spinning number of 2023’s “unexpected” things already behind me, and while still cautiously navigating others, yet one more happened. 

Actually, I was with my family on a boat that early July day… heading toward the Chesapeake Bay.  My phone vibrated with a text.  I couldn’t quite see the screen in the bright light, but I could tell I didn’t recognize the sender’s number.  Shading the phone, I squinted and wondered if I could possibly be seeing it correctly

The message was from Cross Point Church. It said that in August, they planned to launch new Online Groups.  They were reaching out to ask if I’d consider leading one… 

It couldn’t say that, could it? 

But, yes, it did. 

And it couldn’t have been intended for me, could it?  Me?  Who’d only actually been there once?  …But felt so strongly like it’s where I belonged

Yes.  It was. 

I didn’t know exactly how or why this had happened.  I still don’t.    

But if you know anything about me at all - and this crazy God-seeking-and-following life I’m learning I really love living - and especially if you read “The Words I Would Say,” then you already know exactly the only thing I could say: 


I can’t know that the decision to go to church alone on a party trip in a party city seven-months ago, and then writing an e-mail about it led to this.  I also can’t imagine how this possibly would have happened now had I not done those things. 

Oh, I know that if God wanted this, He’d have done it no matter what. 

But what if it’s one more Real-Life example of how, when we really decide to seek HIS purpose for us, He can – and will – use any small step we take toward Him to open the way toward the next good thing He has waiting for us?

So, just like that, here I went again:  Saying “yes” to something completely out of my wheelhouse, but to which I felt certain He had called me.  Who else could orchestrate this crazy ride of year He’s given me so far? 

Just a few months ago, I told a roomful of kids, “…where He calls you, He’ll equip you to go.”

I guess when you say something like that, you’d better be ready to live in a way that proves you believe it.  And I do believe it. 

But I still didn’t have a clue about how to do what I’d just been invited to do.   

So, I’ve proceeded the only way I know how:  One step at a time

The past month has found me in Zoom meetings, thoughtful conversations with a handful of my closest people, and much reflection and prayer. 

It was humbling - and overwhelming - to realize that accepting this invitation came with no script.  Cross Point supports leaders in bringing what they uniquely bring to the one single mission:  Welcoming everyone to find and follow Jesus. 

With that in mind, I knew I had one thing I feel qualified to share in leading others… The one thing I can use anytime and anywhere – including here in this new assignment – to reach whoever God graciously invites me to help Him reach: 

The Real Story of my Real Life… What I’ve learned and continue to learn while living it. 

I’m just figuring it out as I go.  I don’t assume anybody else has the exact same struggles or makes the exact same mistakes I do.  But what if doing it together could help us all?  Even when we and our Real Lives don’t look the same.      

You… this community who spends precious time reading these things I write… have played an absolutely pivotal role in encouraging me.  You make the work feel worth it.  You make sharing honestly… the Real things about my Real Life… feel like it matters.  I can’t imagine how I ever would have arrived at this next new chapter without your encouragement. 

That’s why I want YOU to receive the FIRST invitation to be a part of it!    

Whether you already love Jesus with all your heart, you’re just beginning to wonder how He really can change your life - or even if you wonder if you believe in Him at all - but could use an honest, loving place to belong as you navigate Real Life… this group is for YOU

In fact, Cross Point… the place I’ve long known is, but now - thanks to this very unexpected invitation – really feel right calling “My Church” says it far better than I ever could: 

“Everyone’s Welcome. Nobody’s Perfect. And With Jesus, Anything’s Possible.”

This is a new chapter for me.  It won’t be perfect.  But I’d love to have you join me.    

Please click here for more information and submit the form to join or ask me any questions. 

Please also share with anyone else who may be interested. 

We’ll begin online on Wednesday, September 6, 2023.

**Note that Nashville is Central Time, so it’s actually 7:00 PM Eastern Time. **

(Even if you aren’t sure this group is for you, definitely check out all of Cross Point’s other online groups!  There really is something for everyone!)